SDI had many events which were at their exhibition center, several networking sessions in which they showcased the work of SDI and its affiliates, and many SDI representatives participated in the events of UNHABITAT in the official program as well as networking programs of other organizations. Over the next few weeks as different members report their presentations, views and activities these will trickle into the blogs.
Jockin at the Panel of “What needs to Change”?
In one of the main Dialogues of the UNHABITAT the question asked to all the Panelists was, “what can you say is needs to change to make cities work for all?
Jockin challenged the person who asked the question and also the audience: “ since 1976 when this discussion began in the 1st Habitat event in Vancouver, what have we all done since then to make what we discuss actualize in practice… we keep coming to these events, and we ask each other these questions and then we go away only to ask the same questions again.
Jockin On a networking Panel on Challenges of Sanitation:
In a networking event on sanitation, Jockin Challenges all the others in the panel and audience… “have you constructed even one toilet? In someone’s home, or a toilet shared by several families, or a community toilet in a slum?”
His perspective was that the actual DOING demonstrates the real challenges that stop universal sanitation from taking place.
Of all the MDGs that are critical fo rthe urban poor, this one is very tough because it’s the lack of practice, and learning and evolving solutions that has stagnated this development investment. Not money, not technology and policy.
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