Habitat Forum, Berlin – Designing Sustainable Solutions for Cities In The
Future, 1st June, 2016
People, Politics and Practice

city development, as you see it today, excludes with or without purpose the
challenges that poor people who live in cities either recently or over the last
eight decades have been facing, they remain invisible, and their participation I
believe is a very important ingredient in discussions about People, Politics
and Practice.
If we
don’t start exploring solutions that will make us feel good 50 years from now,
we will never begin; because in today’s cities there is inequality, there are
huge differences in incomes, in opportunities that have political and many
other reasons for not being explored but which will only exaggerate in the
future, but we don’t want to wait any more to solve those problems because we can’t
solve those problems if we don’t solve them today.
is a decade of aggregators and organizations like ours, Shack Dwellers
International, ACHR; we are all aggregators of urban informality, of men and women
living and working in very difficult conditions to reach out to the other
players in the city, to find scalable citywide solutions that both picks from what’s
outside and take the unique characteristics of the city that is there. So it
requires a new disruptive partnership strategy in order for this transformation
to occur. Business as usual is not going to work, so do we have the courage, do
we have the guts and do we have the capacity to explore these unusual and
disruptive solutions?.
In the
end a lot of what happens in cities is around land. The politics of who owns
land, what its used for, what mechanisms produce inclusion or exclusion forms
the basis of how cities evolve and grow and whether they have a chance for
sustainable equitable options or not. Politics is at the centre of this, there’s
no shortage of technical solutions. Do we have the courage to do that, do we
have the capacity to explore new solutions? Because in the end, the
sustainability that we are challenged with today (which we start with the meetings
we will have for Habitat III, that we’ve come with all our challenges of
climate) of our sustainable growth will happen in the geography of cities which
will have to deal with a multiplication of challenges and we are far away from
that. We should be extremely dissatisfied with what is happening because we
don’t have the courage to explore unusual relationships and partnerships.
As the
representatives of the networks of the urban poor, we want to explore possible
relationships and partnerships, new ways of doing business with whoever has the
courage to come and work with us. We are looking for ways by which we transform
the future that we prepare for the youth of tomorrow into one which is safe,
which turns that into the advantage rather than the violence that we predict
that will take place if their aspirations and expectations are not fulfilled by
our generation. If we have the courage to explore change, we explore new ways
of doing business and of sharing and supporting each other through this process;
I think we can see a glimmer of success.”